Conditions of Hire
- The hall is hired solely for the purpose stated on the booking form.
- The Hirer is required to be over 21 years of age and accepts responsibility for overseeing and being on the premises at all times for the duration of the hire, and will become the RESPONSIBLE PERSON, as regards HEALTH AND SAFETY especially acting as the FIRE WARDEN and FIRST AIDER.
- The Hirer is responsible for the supervision of the use of the Hall and its contents, and the behaviour of all persons using the premises, including the switching on of the internal lights and the proper supervision of the car parking arrangements. The hirer will make good or pay for all damage (including accidental damage) to the premises or fixtures, fittings or contents, and for loss of contents.
- The Parish Council cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage sustained by those hiring the hall.
- An Accident Report Form should be completed in the event of an accident at the premises, and handed / sent to the Village Hall Manager at the end of the hire period.
- No alcohol is to be sold on the premises.
- The Hirer should, if preparing, serving or selling food, observe all relevant food health and hygiene legislation and regulations. Dairy product, vegetables and meat on the premises must be refrigerated and stored in compliance with the Food Temperature Regulations.
- The Hirer will not sub-hire or allow the premises to be used for any unlawful purpose or in any unlawful way, nor do anything to or bring onto the premises anything which may endanger the Hall or render any insurance policies invalid.
- The hirer is responsible for ensuring the hall and kitchen is left in a clean and tidy condition after use.
- The Hall has no television licence so the hirer should ensure no television streaming takes place. Children should be restricted from viewing age restricted films as classified by the British Board of Film Classification. If films are shown the hirer should ensure that they have the copyright licence.
- The Hirer should ensure that any electrical appliance brought by them to the premises and used there are safe, in good working order and used in a safe manner in accordance with the Electricity at Work Regulations.
- Please be aware of our neighbours, and keep noise at a reasonable level during the hire period.
- The Hirer should ensure that all guests comply with the NO SMOKING instructions and signage.
- The Hall accepts no responsibility for any equipment or property brought to or left in the hall and all liability for loss or damage is hereby excluded.
- The Hirer should ensure that highly flammable substances are not brought into or used in the hall. Naked flame devices such as Chinese Lanterns, Candles and Tea Lights are not allowed. The hirer should also ensure that no unauthorised heating appliances are used on the premises.
- The Hirer Should ensure that no animals or birds except guide dogs are brought onto the premises. No animals whatsoever are to enter the kitchen at any time. In the case of pre-booked and authorised dog shows and related events please ensure that the Dog Hygiene instructions are followed.
- The Hirer should ensure that any activities for children under the age of eight years comply with the appropriate Safeguarding Legislation and only fit and proper persons who have passed DBS checks have access to the children.
- At the end of the Hiring, the Hirer shall be responsible for leaving the premises and surrounds in a clean and tidy condition, all electrical equipment switched off and the property locked and secured with all doors and windows closed. Any contents temporarily removed from their usual positions must be properly replaced,.
- Guest WIFI, provides free access to the internet for hirers of the hall and their guests. This service will be monitored and anyone not complying with the Terms and Conditions of use will be blocked from further use. For full details please read the Guest WIFI Terms and Conditions of Use.
- Up Hatherley Village Hall uses personnel data for the purposes of managing hall bookings, finances, events and publicity. By submitting the Booking Form, you are agreeing to us sharing your contact details with other groups and organisations benefitting the residents of the Parish of Up Hatherley.
- Privacy and Security Policy, data may be retained for up to 7 years for accounts purposes and for longer where required by the Hall’s insurers. If you would like to find out more about how we use your personal data please look at our Privacy and Security Policy.
- The hall must be vacated by 10pm unless agreed
- The booking fee contains a non refundable deposit of £10.
- All payments must be received in advance of the booked date, and will be non refundable from this date should the event be cancelled.
- The hirer is responsible for contacting the Village Hall Manager to arrange access to the hall.
Heating: The boiler is left on the standard Frost Stat * setting, or in the winter months on setting 5. It may be turned up / down during your booking if necessary. Please turn back to * or to 5 on leaving. There is no need to alter the settings on the radiators.
Tidy Up: Please ensure that the hall and kitchen is left in a clean and tidy condition after use.
Parking: There is parking for a few cars on the front of the hall. The Village Hall shares the car park with the Church, a few minutes walk from the hall